How To-Kill Sinus Infection With Min With Apple cider Vinegar

Sinusitis is a very painful condition. No wonder, then, that our grandmothers developed home remedies to soothe symptoms and clear sinuses.

Mud compresses to clean the sinuses

Mud compresses help clear the sinuses. Apply the compress 1 to 2 hours in the morning and in the evening for several days along the wings of the nose or on the forehead.
Recipe: Pour clay into a container, preferably a glass, and mix it with water. When the paste becomes thick enough, put it on the dishes.

Inhalation of garlic and vinegar to drain secretions
To clean the sinuses, add a finely chopped garlic clove and 1 tablespoon. of vinegar in half a liter of boiling water. Breathe for 5-10 minutes several times a day with a washcloth or tea towel over your head.

Carrot and lemon juice to calm inflammation
To soothe a sinus infection, put one drop of carrot juice in each nostril in the morning. For an antibacterial action, add one drop of lemon juice in each nostril at night.