Pico de gallo or "salsa fresca" is a sauce native to Mexico, and ideal as an appetizer, it can also be used as an appetizer. It's very easy to make, and it consists of tomatoes, fresh cilantro, white onions, lemon juice, and chili peppers. A delicious sauce, typical of Mexican cuisine, will delight your guests during the summer!
* Ingredients: 4 people.
° 3 tomatoes
° bunch of coriander
° 1 white onion
° 2 lemons
° 1 sweet pepper
Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, chili, and fresh cilantro, then mix everything together in a large bowl or salad bowl.
technical moves
cut an onion
How does he sculpt his herbs?
How to peel and plant tomatoes easily?
Squeeze two limes to obtain lemon juice, then pour it over the preparation.
Enjoy fresca sauce with tortillas.
Enjoy !