Prime Rib


°1 5.75 lbs roast prime ribs (2 bones)
°There are no measurements here. Just generous amounts of the following:
°butter at room temperature
°Herbs de Provence
°fresh bell pepper
°Kosher salt - generous amount

*Directions :

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit (this should be an accurate temperature)
Placing roasted rib down in roasting pan
Mix the peppers and herbs in the butter until well combined.
Spread the butter mixture over the entire surface of the prime rib. The most the best.

Apply kosher salt over the entire surface of the butter. Be very generous. Use more than you think you should here. Most of the salt will run off and very little will be left on the meat. I cannot stress "generous" enough.

Place the roast in a 500-degree oven for 30 minutes as described in Step 1. The time will be according to the roasting size. After 30 minutes, simply turn the oven off and away from it for 2 hours. Yes, just walk away. Do not open the door or tamper with it or anything else. Imagine that barbecue does not exist.

After two hours, take out the roasting, cut it and serve. You can remove the rib bones for easier chopping and it makes it easy to get 4 generous portions of grilling. Save the bones! Served with au jus or horseradish sauce etc. what you want. You will definitely love this method. You'll get a moist succulent roast between rare and medium rare. excellent!